Do tych których może to dotyczyć,
Attached is the IFB for the upcoming Lawn and Landscape Maintenance Services in Essex and Hamilton Counties. OPWDD is soliciting bids from responsible and qualified contractors to provide Lawn and Landscape Maintenance Services for multiple residential sites for a 4 year term. References and applicable insurances are required. Prevailing Wage will apply. OPWDD intends to award the contract(s) to the most responsible and responsive bidder(s) that provide the lowest Annual Estimated Cost per Cluster for OPWDD. If you are interested, please submit 1 original copy of the IFB Cost Proposal Page(s) along with 1 original copy of all the mandatory supporting documents. The sample contract template is for reference only. Please review the document, familiarize yourself with the language and set up, but do not submit the sample contract template with your bid. The sample contract template is not a required document.
Zgłoszenia ofert należy składać do godziny 15:00 w dniu 1 grudnia 2022 r. bez wyjątków . Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania, możesz skontaktować się z:
E-mail: [e-mail chroniony]
Jennifer Vallely
E-mail: [e-mail chroniony]
Telefon: (845) 877-6821 wew.3333
Jeśli nie jesteś zainteresowany, uprzejmie prosimy o wypełnienie formularza IFB No-Bid, który jest ostatnią stroną zaproszenia do licytacji.